Words post 9

The things our heart wants to do are always true on this earth, only those who hold on can truly reach that time where the heart lives fully -saemi Whatever your heart can feel and desire that is truly possible. But you have to keep believing keep dreaming and keep working on that dream to…

Handmade Origami Heart Tutorial

Origami Heart Tutorial. Click here.Learn to make  a origami heart in just 5 minutes. A sweet token of love to someone you love. Just a square peice of coloured sheet and in 5 minutes your origami heart is ready.  

Words post 8

We just never know what is happening in someone else life, until we know that person from close. The people who we just see and they are smiling maybe they are hiding some pains inside that they wish to share.  Those people are the strongest because they smile but deep inside they are fighting battles…

Words post 7

Some smiles are pure… They cannot be matched with anything in this world. They are beyond anything. Righly said that ; A smile can make your day…  Keep smiling you never know who is falling in love with your smile.. I m on fb. Join me. My instagram. Click 

The Truth about Anger

Anger’s hidden message What do you all think what could be the real reason if someone is angry? People say things in anger that they don’t mean. They speak some things which if they were calm wouldn’t have said. The people they love they speak and behave odd with them, in a rude manner… Everybody…

Words post 6

i hope you all agree to this quote. where a pure heart lived, demons turned into gods… -saemi the place where even one person of a good soul lived the whole place became a heaven… so be kind to everyone everyone is fighting a battle we do not know about. Join me on Fb My…

Words post 5

You bind her in chains, yet you didn’t see she never asked for the same…  -saemi Men often keep their women in chains saying that they dont have the freedom to fly and live free. whatever they are doing is right but anything their partner do they doubt…  They try to keep women in cages…

Words post 4

Sharing some of my recent Written quotes about love… “All i want is to be with my heart, and all my heart wants is to be with me… -saemi “In her love, my heart approves of any ride this life offers me… -saemi I do not know where i stand all i know is this…

Words post 3

You have got scars  you have been hurt  you feel pain  that means you have survived whatever tried to hurt you.. these marks are a beautiful thing in your life.. it just proves you are a warrior.   The scars and wounds are designed just to make you more strong and beautiful So be proud of…

Words post 2

Love someone this deep that they can never die…

Words post 1

Today felt that the nature is far more beautiful than the people…